
jujube orchard Learn more about jujube orchard

  • Soil Management of Jujube Orchard

    Soil Management of Jujube Orchard

    Ploughing, weeding, loosening soil and preserving soil moisture: the newly planted jujube orchard made a 1m wide tree row after planting, and then widened year by year with the expansion of the tree crown. The pure jujube orchard with high density can generally be intercropped with some dwarf legumes or melons and vegetables three years before planting, and the jujube orchard with jujube grain intercropping can be used for long-term intercropping of crops. In this way, the scope of jujube soil management in the first three years is mainly in the range of tree rows, and the future soil management will be carried out in the whole garden. The first problem in soil management is to eradicate weeds because of the growth of weeds.

  • Management techniques before and after picking in Jujube Orchard

    Management techniques before and after picking in Jujube Orchard

    First, the management and protection before picking. Prevent falling dates. Jujube trees enter the mature stage to pre-harvest stage, in case of strong wind and heavy rain, often cause jujube fall, so for jujube trees with more fruit, it is necessary to do a good job of fixing the pole, strengthen the tree body fixation and reduce the fallen jujube caused by the strong wind. two。 Adjust the partial crown. For jujube trees with partial crown, the branches in the chamber and overgrown branches can be pulled out to fill the space in order to adjust the partial crown and enlarge the fruiting part. 3. Draw a hoe to conserve soil moisture. Before harvest, the soil of jujube orchard

  • Soil, fertilizer and water management in jujube orchard where jujube trees are planted

    Soil, fertilizer and water management in jujube orchard where jujube trees are planted

    After jujube trees enter the full fruit period, doing a good job in soil, fertilizer and water management and maintaining good tree potential are the prerequisites for high yield and high quality. the soil fertilizer pipes of jujube trees in full fruit period can be summarized into two ploughing, four fertilizers and three water. Two ploughing refers to deep ploughing and middle ploughing. Deep ploughing can loosen the soil in the jujube garden.

    2020-11-08 Planting jujube jujube orchard soil fertilizer and water management
  • Management techniques of Jujube Orchard in late Autumn and early Winter (2)

    Management techniques of Jujube Orchard in late Autumn and early Winter (2)

    The second step is to plough the jujube orchard: implement the jujube forest with intercropping of jujube and grain, and dig deeply the soil between the plants and under the canopy. If the intercropping of jujube and grain is not carried out, the whole garden must be ploughed, especially the soil within the projected area under the canopy must be deeply ploughed. The closer to the trunk, the shallower the ploughing should be, the farther away from the trunk, the deeper the ploughing should be, generally 15 to 30 centimeters is appropriate. In this way, the overwintering pupae and eggs in the soil can be frozen to death. This management measure can reduce the number of jujube inchworm, jujube moth, jujube gall midge, weevil, red spider, beetle and peach heart borer.

  • Symptom characteristics and control measures of jujube leprosy

    Symptom characteristics and control measures of jujube leprosy

    Jujube leprosy symptoms and control measures Jujube leprosy, also known as "jujube cancer disease", witches disease, broom disease, is a destructive infectious disease on jujube, jujube once infected with the disease, generally 2~6 years after the disease can be the whole plant death.

  • Symptoms and control of the latest dry rot of jujube

    Symptoms and control of the latest dry rot of jujube

    Jujube has rich nutritional value, in our life is a better tonic, with the effect of nourishing blood and beauty. Jujube planting also has a relatively mature technology in our country, but if jujube planting is not managed properly, it will suffer from many diseases.

    2020-11-10 The latest jujube trunk rot disease symptoms and control
  • When will the jujube in Neihuang County, the hometown of Chinese red dates, mature? Does the newly-built jujube orchard in this county have a bonus policy?

    When will the jujube in Neihuang County, the hometown of Chinese red dates, mature? Does the newly-built jujube orchard in this county have a bonus policy?

    Neihuang is named as the hometown of Chinese red dates by the country, because the jujubes produced in this county are delicious and have a large output. The acid content of Neihuang jujube is 5 times of the average content of jujube fruit, the content of vitamin C is 10 times that of citrus and 75 times that of apple. China

    2020-11-09 " China red jujube hometown Nei Huangxian Dazao Neihuang
  • Symptoms and control of dry rot of jujube

    Symptoms and control of dry rot of jujube

    Symptoms and control of dry rot of jujube

  • What herbicides can be used in jujube orchard?

    What herbicides can be used in jujube orchard?

    What herbicides can be used in jujube orchard? What should I pay attention to when using herbicides? Weeding in jujube garden is an important part of management. Weeds are the intermediate hosts of diseases and insect pests, and they compete with jujube for fertilizer and water, which affect the growth of jujube. At present, the herbicides commonly used in production are as follows: (1) Diuron: 25% wettable powder, yes.

  • How to improve the fruit quality of jujube

    How to improve the fruit quality of jujube

    It is difficult to improve jujube fruit quality only by one or two measures, and a set of comprehensive technical measures are needed. The main results are as follows: (1) the excellent varieties must be selected in the new jujube orchard. For the existing low-yield and low-quality jujube orchards, high replacement is the fundamental measure to improve fruit quality. (2) proper amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied mainly by organic fertilizer. People have paid enough attention to nitrogen fertilizer, but they don't know enough about phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. Caused by excessive nitrogen application

  • Transformation Technology of barren Jujube Orchard

    Transformation Technology of barren Jujube Orchard

    The main results are as follows: (1) Deep ploughing of broken board, famine and tiller can remove weeds, remove redundant tillers and seedlings, and increase soil permeability and the ability of storing water and melting fertilizer. And can turn the eggs and larvae of pests to the surface to die or pick out the table to kill. Deep ploughing should be carried out when the soil is suitable for ploughing. Too dry or too wet is easy to form bumps and break the structure. Deep flip should also master the depth of adaptation, the far crown area should be deep, up to about 20 cm, and the near crown area should be shallow, about 10 cm. So as not to hurt the roots too much and affect the tree. Deep turning creates for the re-growth of the root system.

  • Management techniques of Jujube Orchard in late Autumn and early Winter (4)

    Management techniques of Jujube Orchard in late Autumn and early Winter (4)

    Step 4: winter pruning. Jujube pruning can make the tree structure reasonable, improve the ventilation and light transmission conditions of the tree and the distribution of nutrients in the body, so as to achieve the purpose of early fruiting, high yield, stable yield and high quality. Results the initial pruning of jujube trees: this period of pruning should be based on thinning, retraction, truncation and training, and should be pruned according to the principle of "four retention and five no retention". "Siliu" means that the peripheral jujube heads should be retained, the jujube heads on the backbone branches should be retained, the jujube heads with strong, full and promising prospects should be retained, and the jujube heads with a large number of secondary branches and jujube stocks with strong fruiting ability should be retained. "five don't stay.

  • Control method of jujube blight in spring with dense twigs which are long and difficult to shed

    Control method of jujube blight in spring with dense twigs which are long and difficult to shed

    Control method of jujube blight in spring with dense twigs which are long and difficult to shed

  • Methods of fertilization in jujube orchard

    Methods of fertilization in jujube orchard

    Methods of fertilization in jujube orchard

  • How to prevent cracking and drying of Jujube trees in Young stage

    How to prevent cracking and drying of Jujube trees in Young stage

    Jujube trees have been developed in a large area in Yining County. when there is heavy snow in winter, when the snow melts in spring, the trunk below the snow line (about 20 cm high) is soaked by snow water, blown by the wind, and rots and explodes the skin. as a result, the transport tissue of the tree was blocked and dried up and died.

    2020-11-08 Planting jujube juvenile cleft bark draining how to prevent Yi
  • Miyun District: "silly Lao Zhang" changes mountain wilderness into orchard

    Miyun District:

    Miyun District: "silly Lao Zhang" changes mountain wilderness into orchard

  • High yield techniques of intercropping three crops in jujube orchard

    High yield techniques of intercropping three crops in jujube orchard

    Jujube has strong growth adaptability and is a temperature-loving and light-loving species. It begins to branch when the air temperature reaches 13 ℃ in spring, the flower bud begins to differentiate when the monthly average temperature is above 17 ℃, and blossoms when the monthly average temperature is above 20 ℃. The optimum temperature for fruit ripening is 18-22 ℃, and the leaves begin to fall when the temperature drops to 15 ℃. According to its characteristics of late germination, early defoliation and less shade, it is suitable for intercropping with grain, cotton and vegetables, and the economic benefit is very considerable. In this paper, the high yield techniques of interplanting three crops of jujube in one year are introduced. 1. Cultivation techniques of jujube

  • Experience of dwarfing and dense planting of jujube

    Experience of dwarfing and dense planting of jujube

    The dwarfing and dense planting cultivation of jujube is to change the large sparsely planted trees into short and compact plants similar to small shrubs, which is a new cultivation mode. This model is beneficial to saving land resources, intensive cultivation and modern management. Jujube tree boy

    2020-11-08 Dwarfing dense planting cultivation jujube experience dwarfing
  • The management of rural Niuren orchards does not use pesticides to control weeds and insects, and ducks and geese are responsible for their own responsibilities.

    The management of rural Niuren orchards does not use pesticides to control weeds and insects, and ducks and geese are responsible for their own responsibilities.

    There is a village called Zhanqiantun in Linyi County, Shanxi Province. This is a small village with only more than 100 households. In recent years, farmers in small villages have mainly relied on the fruit industry to get rich.

  • Identification and Control of Jujube Mad Disease

    Identification and Control of Jujube Mad Disease

    Jujube mad disease, commonly known as "male jujube tree", is a destructive disease of jujube tree. In serious cases, it can cause a large number of jujube trees to die and even destroy the garden. 1. Symptom recognition (1) the initial symptoms appeared after flowering, which were characterized by degeneration of floral organs and abnormal germination of buds, narrow leaves, clustered branches and leaves, and spatulate veins, yellowing and curling. (2) the diseased tree leaves had obvious pathological changes after anthesis, first the mesophyll turned yellow, gradually the whole leaf yellowed, the edge curled up, and became hard and brittle in the later stage. (3) positive buds and positive buds on one-year-old developing branches of diseased plants
